Required Courses
Course Code | Course Title |
SOCI 1001 | Introduction to Sociology |
SOCI 1002 | Approaching Sociology |
SOCI 2003 | Social Research Methods |
SOCI 2004 | Social Statistics |
SOCI 2104 | Sociology and Hong Kong |
SOCI 3003 | Classical Sociological Theory |
SOCI 3223 | Contemporary Sociological Theory |
SOCI 3231 | Qualitative Research |
SOCI 4010 | Graduation Thesis I |
SOCI 4020 | Graduation Thesis II |
Elective Courses
Course Code | Course Title |
SOCI 2101 UGEA 2200 | Development of Chinese Social Thought |
SOCI 2103 | Japan in a Global Perspective |
SOCI 2106 UGEC 2883 | Economic Reform and Social Impacts in China |
SOCI 2116 UGEC 2983 | Criminals and the Law |
SOCI 2203 | Social Problems and Social Policy |
SOCI 2208 | Urban Sociology |
SOCI 2216 UGEC 2963 | Social Problems in China |
SOCI 2218 [3222] | Marriage and Family |
SOCI 2219 | Youth and Society |
SOCI 3001 | Organizations and Society |
SOCI 3002 | Social Stratification |
SOCI 3102 | Social Networks and Social Capital |
SOCI 3204 | Sociology of Crime and Deviance |
SOCI 3207 | Economic Sociology |
SOCI 3208 | Gender & Society |
SOCI 3221 | Introduction to Social Psychology |
SOCI 3224 | Democracy and Society |
SOCI 3225 | Research Writing (Writing for Sociology) |
SOCI 3226 | Sociology and Films |
SOCI 3227 | Social Demography |
SOCI 3229 | Quantitative Data Analysis |
SOCI 3230 | Globalization and China |
SOCI 3233 | Sexualities and Society |
SOCI 3234 | Policing and Society: Critical Debates and Practices |
SOCI 3235 | Social Interaction and Video Analysis |
SOCI 3236 | Migration and Policy Reflection on Global Citizenship |
SOCI 3237[4207] | Medical Sociology |
SOCI 3238 | Digital Sociology |
SOCI 3239 | Environment and Society |
SOCI 3240 | Social Studies of Science |
SOCI 3241 UGEC 3893 | Introduction to Global Sociology |
SOCI 3242 | Crime and Social Control in Globalized Societies |
SOCI 3243 | Generalized Experimental Methods for Policy Relevant Social Research |
SOCI 3451 | Selected Topics in Sociology I: Generalized Experimental Methods for Policy Relevant Social Research |
SOCI 3452 | Selected Topics in Sociology II: Introduction to Global Sociology |
SOCI 3453 | Selected Topics in Sociology III: Understanding Migration |
SOCI 4201 | Quantitative Method: Survey and Unconventional Data Types |
SOCI 4202 | Community Service-Based Learning for Sociology Students |
SOCI 4204 | Sociology of Education |
SOCI 4205 | Social Movement |
SOCI 4208 | Cultural Sociology |
SOCI 4209 | Religion in Modern Society |
SOCI 4210 | Science and Technology Studies |
SOCI 4211 | Sociology Internship: Nurturing Competency for Meeting Future Challenges |
SOCI 4351 | Selected Topics in Sociology IV: Civil Society in Comparative Perspective |
SOCI 4352 | Selected Topics in Sociology V: Health, Medicine and Society |
SOCI 4353 | Selected Topics in Sociology VI |
SOCI 4410 | Directed Studies I |
SOCI 4420 | Directed Studies II |
Faculty Package Courses
Course Code | Course Title |
SOCI 1201 | Hong Kong Society: Identities & Boundaries |
Courses not for Sociology Majors
Course Code | Course Title |
SOCI 1102 UGEC 1823 | Sociology & Modern Society |
UGEA 2190 | Chinese Society |
UGEA 2300 | China from Tradition to Modernity |
UGEC 2033 | Challenges of World Population |
UGEC 2260 | Imagining Japanese Society |
UGEC 2514 | Big Issues of Globalization |
UGEC 2703 | Youth Problem in Modern Society |
UGEC 2865 | Hong Kong Society |
UGEC 2993 | Healthy Living : Social Influences and Determinants |
UGED 2713 | Individual and Freedom |
UGED 2933 | Reflections on Everyday Life |
Note: Course Syllabi listed under this section are tentative for reference only. Students should always refer to the relevant course web sites or teachers for up-to-date course outlines. [ ] Old Course Code
Courses Offered in 2024-25 (By Suitability Level)