LI Hang
Current Research & Teaching Interests
  • Contentious Politics
  • Civic and Community Engagement
  • Youth Identity Process
  • Youth Drug Use
Selected Publications

Li, H., Chui, C. F., Li, W. O., & Chow, J. T. S. (forthcoming). Social Media Use and Political Participation among Young People in Hong Kong: A Structural Equation Analysis. In A. Z. H. Yee (Ed), Mobile Media Use Among Children and Youth in Asia. Springer.

Cheung, Y. W., & Li, H. (forthcoming). What Has Changed and What Has Not: The Past Three Decades of Adolescent Drug Use in Hong Kong. In Z. Yue, & H. Zhong (Eds.), Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization in Chinese Societies. Routledge.

Li, H., & Cheung, Y. W. (2021). Beyond ketamine: Narratives of risk among young psychoactive drug users in Hong KongJournal of Substance Use26(5), 531–536.

Li, H. (2020). Political process of cultural heritage preservation: A case study of the New Tile House Hakka Cultural District in HsinchuGlobal Hakka Studies, 15, 31–69.

Chiu, S. W. K., Ip, J. C. Y., & Li, H. (Eds.). (2016). Restless youth: Observation on Hong Kong’s new generation. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. [In Chinese]

  • SOCI1001B Introduction to Sociology
  • SOCI2003 Social Research Methods
  • SOCI2208 Urban Sociology
  • SOCI3003 Classical Sociological Theory
  • SOCI5635 Social Problems and Inequalities
  • GESC2360 Environmental Justice in Action
Research Grants

As Principal Investigator

Year Grant
2020-2022 “Shifting Strategies and Coalition Dynamics of the Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong: The Role of Perceived Opportunities and Threats,” HK$792,498, funded by Faculty Development Scheme of Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2019/20, Research Grants Council.
2017-2018 “From Ketamine to Ice: Neutralisation Techniques and Risk Perception of Adolescent Drug Abusers,” HK$476,284, funded by Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme, Central Policy Unit (renamed Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office in April 2018)

As Co-Principal Investigator

Year Grant
2023-2025 “Human Resilience, Life Adversity, and Adaptation to Life Course Transitions from Early Adulthood to Late Middle Adulthood,” (as Co-PI) HK$5,359,056, funded by IDS Collaborative Research Grant of Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2022/23, Research Grants Council.
2020-2023 “Youth Identity Status and its Psychosocial Correlates: A Longitudinal Study in Hong Kong,” (as Co-PI) HK$3,465,000, funded by IDS Collaborative Research Grant of Competitive Research Funding Schemes for Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2019/20, Research Grants Council.

As Co-Investigator

Year Grant
2019-2020 “Posttreatment Life Planning and Relapse Prevention: An Effectiveness Study of an Integrative Model of Vocational Life Design for Young Rehabilitated Drug Abusers,” HK$841,340, funded by Beat Drugs Fund (BDF) Regular Funding Scheme, Narcotics Division, Security Bureau