Susanne Yuk Ping Choi is Professor of Sociology and Co-Director of the Gender Research Centre at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include migration, gender, family, and sexuality in Chinese and Asian societies. She received her D.Phil. in Sociology from Nuffield College, University of Oxford. She has been a Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Sociology at Harvard University, a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Asia Research Institute (ARI) of the National University of Singapore, and a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies.
Her lead-authored book Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China (University of California Press) received the Best Book Award from the International Sociological Association’s Sociology of Migration Section (RC31) and was translated into Chinese in 2021. Professor Choi has published over 40 articles in leading academic journals, including American Journal of Sociology, Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, The Sociological Review, Journal of Marriage and Family, The China Quarterly, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Violence Against Women, Culture, Health and Sexuality, Work, Employment and Society, Gender, Work, and Organization, International Migration Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Global Networks, Population, Space and Place, and Social Science and Medicine etc.. She currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and Gender and Society.
Professor Choi is passionate about teaching and research. She has received numerous accolades, including the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, the Research Mentorship Award, the Young Researcher Award, and the Research Excellence Award from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship from Hong Kong’s Research Grants Council. She is currently working on her second book monograph on class, gender and LBGT life stories in post socialist China (under contract with University of California press), and has started two new comparative projects (both funded by Hong Kong’s Research Grants Council) examining the impacts of technology and sociolegal contexts on gender and cyber violence in Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Osaka.
- Gender
- Family
- Migration
- Sexuality
2016 | Choi, S.Y.P. & Y.Peng. Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China. University of California Press. (Recipient of the International Sociological Association RC31 2018 Best Book Award) |
2025 | Chang, HC. & Choi, SYP. Accepted. Marriage channels, temporal inequality, and migration decision-making agency: Vietnamese marriage migrants in Asia. International Migration Review. (Equal author). |
2025 | Yip, TPC. & Choi, SYP. Accepted. A Home for Marriage? Comparing Men’s and Women’s Responses to High Property Prices and Traditional Gender Norms in Marital Home Acquisition. China Review. (Corresponding author). |
2024 | Susanne Y. P. Choi, Xiaomin Cai, Yu Pei, Lingxi Chen. The Cultivation of Transnational Cultural Capital in Childhood: Experiences of Chinese Global Multiple Migrants. Global Networks. |
2024 | Choi, SYP. and Kan, HHS. Gender digilantism and bystanders: networked cyber intimate partner violence in Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication. |
2023 | Loa SP and Choi, S.Y.P. An Intimacy Field Framework: Class, Habitus, and Capital in Gay Relationships. The Sociological Review. (Equal author) |
2022 | Choi, S.Y.P. Doing and Undoing Gender: Women on the Frontline of Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement. Social Movement Studies. |
2022 | Choi, S.Y.P. Global Multiple Migration: Class-Based Mobility Capital of Elite Chinese Gay Men. Sociology. |
2021 | Cheung, A.K.L., Chiu, JTY., Choi, S.Y.P. Couples’ self-control and marital conflict: Does similarity, complementarity, or totality matter more? Social Science Research. |
2021 | Choi, Susanne Y.P. and Lai, Ruby R.S. Sex Work and Stigma Management: The Role of State Policy and NGO Advocacy. The China Quarterly. |
2021 | Choi, Susanne YP. and Li, S. Migration, Service Work, and Masculinity in the Global South: Private Security Guards in Post-socialist China. Gender, Work & Organization. |
2021 | Choi, Susanne YP. and Lai Ruby YS. Birth Tourism and Migrant Children’s Agency: The Double-Not in Post-Handover Hong Kong. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. |
2020 | Choi, S.Y.P. When Protests and Daily Life Converges: The Space and People of Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Movement. Critical Anthropology. 40(2):277-282. |
2020 | Choi, S.Y.P. RRS. Lai., JCL. Pang. Gender Irrelevance: How Women and Men Rationalise Their Support for the Right. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Vol 45 (2): 473-495. |
2020 | Chiu, JTY. & Choi, SYP. 2020. The decoupling of Legal and Spatial Migration of Female Marriage Migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46 (14) 2997-3013. |
2019 | Lai, RRS. & Choi, SYP. Premarital Sexuality, Abortion and Inter generational Dynamics in China. Modern China (published online before print ), corresponding author. |
2019 | Choi, S.Y.P. 2019. Migration, Masculinity and Family. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (1): 78–94. |
2019 | S.Y.P., Yeoh, B. and Lam, T. 2019. Situated Agency in the Context of Research on Children, Migration and Family in Asia. Population, Space and Place, 25 (3): 1-6. |
2019 | Chiu, J.T.Y. and Choi, S.Y.P. 2019. Frequent Border-Crossing Children and Cultural Membership. Population, Space and Place, 25 (3): e2153. |
2018 | Choi, S.Y.P. Masculinity and Precarity: Male Migrant Taxi Drivers in South China. Work, Employment and Society, 32 (3): 493-508. |
2016 | Choi, S.Y.P. Gender pragmatism and subaltern masculinity in China: Peasant men’s responses to their wives’ labour migration. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(5-6), 565-582. |
2016 | Choi, S. Y. P. & Cheung, A.K.L. Dissimilar and disadvantaged: Age discrepancy, financial stress, and marital conflict in cross-border marriages. Journal of Family Issues 38 (18), 2521-2544. |
2016 | Cheung, A.K.L. & Choi, S.Y.P. Non-traditional wives with traditional husbands: Gender ideology and husband-to-wife physical violence in Chinese society. Violence against Women 22 (14), 1704-1724. |
2016 | Choi, Susanne YP. & Luo Ming. Performative Family: Homosexuality, Marriage and Intergenerational Dynamic in China. British Journal of Sociology. 67 (2), 260-280. |
2015 | Lui C.W. & Choi, S.Y.P. Not just mum and dad: The role of children in exacerbating gender inequalities in childcare. Journal of Family Issues. 36(13): 1829-1853. |
2015 | Choi, S.Y.P. & Y.Peng. Humanized Management? Capital and Labour at a Time of Labour Shortage in South China. Human Relations. 68(2) 287–304(Equal Author) |
2014 | Choi, S.Y.P., Cheung, A.K.L., Cheung, Y.W., David, R. Bring the subjective back in: Resources and husband-to-wife physical assault among Chinese couples in Hong Kong. Violence against Women, 20(12):1428-46. |
2014 | Cheung, Y.W., Choi, S.Y.P., Cheung, A.K.L. Strain, self-control and spousal violence: A study of husband-to-wife violence in Hong Kong. Violence and Victims, 29 (2), 280-299. |
2013 | Peng Yinni. & Choi, S.Y.P. Technologies of power and resistance: Mobile phone use among factory migrant workers in south China. The China Quarterly, 215, 553-571. |
2012 | Choi, S. Y. P., Cheung YW., Cheung A.KL. Social Isolation and Spousal Violence: Comparing Marriage Migrants with Local Women. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74 (3):444-461. |
2012 | Choi, S.Y.P., & David, R. Lustration Systems and Trust: Evidence from Survey Experiments in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. American Journal of Sociology, 117 (4):1172-1201. (Equal author) |
2011 | Choi, S.Y.P. State Control, Female Prostitution and HIV Prevention in China. The China Quarterly, 205:96-114. |
2011 | Choi, S.Y.P. Heterogeneous and Vulnerable: The Health Risks Facing Transnational Female Sex Workers. Sociology of Health and Illness, 33 (1):33-49. |
2009 | David, R. & Choi, S.Y.P. Getting equal without getting even: Retributive desires and Transitional Justice in the Czech Republic. Political Psychology, 31(2), 161-92. |
2008 | Choi, S.Y.P. & Ting, K. F. Wife Abuse in South Africa: An imbalance theory of family resources and power. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23 (6), 834-85. |
2008 | Sung, J.J.Y., Choi, S.Y.P., Chan, F.K.L., Ching, J.Y.L., Lau, J.T.F., & Griffiths, S. Obstacles to colon cancer screening in Chinese: A study based on health belief model. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 103, 974-981. |
2008 | Choi, S.Y.P., Chen, K.L. & Jiang, Z.Q. Client perpetrated violence and condom failure among female sex workers in south western China. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (The Official Journal of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association), 35(2), 14-146. |
2007 | Choi, S.Y.P., Cheung, Y.W. & Jiang, Z.Q. Ethnicity and risk factors in needle sharing among intravenous drug users in Sichuan Province, China. AIDS Care, 19(1):1-8. |
2007 | Choi, S.Y.P.& Holroyd E. The Influence of Power, Poverty and Agency on Condom Negotiation among Female Sex Workers in Mainland China. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 9(5):489-503. (Most cited article of the journal as at April 2014) |
2006 | David, R & Choi, S.Y.P. Forgiveness and transitional justice in the Czech Republic. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50(3), 339-367. |
2006 | Choi, S.Y.P.,Cheung, Y.W. & Chen, K.L. Gender and HIV Risk Behaviour among Intravenous Drug Users in Sichuan Province, China. Social Science & Medicine. 62, 1672-1684. |
2005 | David, R. & Choi, S.Y.P. Victims on transitional justice: Lessons from the reparation of human rights abuses in the Czech Republic’. Human Rights Quarterly 27(1), 392-435. |
2005 | Chiu, S., Choi, S.Y.P. & Ting, K. F. ‘Getting Ahead in the Capitalist Paradise: Migration from China and Socio-economic Attainment in Colonial Hong Kong’. International Migration Review, 39 (1):203-227. |
2018 | Choi, SYP., Yeoh, B. and Lam, T. (eds.) Children, Migration and Family in Asia. Population, Space and Place. |
2017 | Choi, S.Y.P. & Fong, E. (eds.) Migration in Post-Colonial Hong Kong. New York: Routledge. |
2016 | Fong, E., Verkuyten, M., Choi, S.Y.P.(eds.) Migration and identity: Perspectives from Asia, Europe, and North America. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(5-6), 559-790. |
- SOCI 1001 Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 1002 Approaching Sociology
- SOCI 3208 Gender & Society
- SOCI 4010 Graduation Thesis I
- SOCI 4020 Graduation Thesis II
- SOCI 6004 Advanced Qualitative Methods
- SOCI 6010 Guided Studies I
- SOCI 6020 Guided Studies II
College Coordinators
- Shaw College, Department of Sociology
- Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Sociology
- Student Affairs Committee, Department of Sociology
- Scholarships & Awards Committee, Department of Sociology
- Executive Committee, Gender Research Centre, HKIAPS, CUHK
Appointed Member
- Task Force on Gender and Family Friendly Policy
- Panel against Sexual Harrassment
Appointed Board Member
- HKSAR Equal Opportunities Commission (May 2015-April 2019)
Elected Convenor
- Policy, Research and Training Committee, Equal Opportunities Commission, HKSAR (May 2015-April 2019)
Elected Convenor
- Working Group on Anti-Sexual Harassment Campaign, Equal Opportunities Commission, HKSAR (May 2015-April 2019)
- Editorial Board, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Jan 2017- Jan 2020)
Elected Associate Board Member
- Sociology (October 2015-Sept 2018)
- International Advisory Board, Asian Population Studies (July 2015-June 2018)
Elected Associate Board Member
- Work, Employment and Society (Jan 2015-Dec 2017)