Other Faculty
Emeritus Professors
Emeritus Professor
Research Interests
Chinese modernity, The role of culture in China's modern transformation
Emeritus Professor
Research Interests
Political development of Hong Kong, Social change in Hong Kong, Comparative politics, International politics
Emeritus Professor
Research Interests
Globalization and medical pluralism, Mental health and urban life, Social Networks in Chinese societies
Emeritus Professor
Research Interests
Statistics, Social stratification, Marriage and family
Faculty Affiliates (by Courtesy)
Professor (by courtesy); Choh-Ming Li Professor of Management, CUHK
Research Interests
culture and cognition, identity, intergroup relations. decision making, cultural neuroscience
Adjunct Faculty Offering Instruction
Adjunct Associate Professor
Research Interests
Hong Kong culture and mentality,The constitution of Chinese society, Sociological theory
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Research Interests
Domestic Violence, Juvenile Delinquency, Restorative Justice
Adjunct Associate Professor
Research Interests
Crime and criminal justice, Policing, Crime and Media