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香港中文大學社會學系把三代校友的故事結集成書 – 《三代人》,現已由商務印書館出版並發行。本書收錄我系31位傑出校友,共26篇故事。這些校友離校後赤手空拳去闖蕩江湖,從無到有,在各自的領域貢獻社會。他們當中有馳名寰宇的一代笑匠、出生入死的戰地記者、獲頒國際獎項的年輕導演、為弱勢學生鞠躬盡瘁的校長、曾任特首辦主管的金管局總裁、請得動總統或行政首長的公關、商品行銷歐美各地的實業廠家、國際著名律師事務所的合夥人、在兩岸四地廣告界開天闢地的領軍人物、引領香港消費委員會成長的總幹事、文韜武略、作為社會秩序中流砥柱的警務人員、在没有理論的地方搞理論的馬評家、縱橫於香港股票市場多年的「債券先生」、獲頒羅德獎學金的政府官員,乃至影視監製、大學教授、社企創辦人或推動者、科技界新銳、人力資源老總、銀行經理、唱片騎師、報社主編、專欄作家等,琳瑯滿目,卓爾多姿!


We are thrilled to announce that the Chinese book titled 《三代人》 (Three Generations), featuring 31 esteemed alumni of our Department, has recently been published by The Commercial Press. This book showcases the remarkable achievements and diverse paths pursued by these alumni, who have made significant contributions to society across various fields.

The stories within the book encompass a wide range of captivating narratives from graduates spanning different eras, including the 1960s-1970s, 1980s-1990s, and the early 2000s. Each story not only provides a true account of their experiences but also reveals touching moments, acts of kindness, and timeless human values that deserve to be cherished.

To celebrate the launch of this momentous publication, we have arranged a book launch and signing event on 20th July 2024 (Saturday) from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. The event will take place at the Commercial Press booth (1A-E04) in the Book Fair held at the Wan Chai Exhibition Centre. The publisher will offer a special discount of 30% for all students and CUHK alumni who purchase the book at the Book Fair, provided that they show their student/ alumni ID card at the sales counter. Please feel free to come and join us at this event!