Seminar / Workshop Details

Workshop on “Cybercrime: Evolution and International Response”
Professor Peter Grabosky
Emeritus Professor at Australian National University
Emeritus Professor at Australian National University
19 September 2014 (Friday)
Conference room (Room 422), 4/F, Sino Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Department of Sociology organized a workshop entitled “Cybercrime: Evolution and International Response” on 19 September 2014. Prof. Peter Grabosky, Emeritus Professor at Australian National University gave a presentation on “The Evolution of Cybercrime, 2004-2014”, and Prof. Gregor Urbas, Associate Professor of Law at University of Canberra, gave a presentation on “Responding to Cyber-Attacks: The role of International and Domestic Law”. Dr. Laurie Lau, Honorary Research Fellow of the Pearl River Delta Social Research Centre of the Department , served as the moderator of the workshop.