Current research and teaching interests
  • Social Norms and Sense of Justice
  • Intermediary Publics
  • The History of French Sociology
Selected publications
Isabelle Thireau, Des lieux en commun. Une ethnographie des rassemblements publics en Chine contemporaine [Spaces in common: An Ethnography of public gatherings in Contemporary China], Paris, Éditions de l’EHESS, 2021.
Isabelle Thireau, « Being Together at a Distance, Talking and Avoiding Talk », The China Quarterly, 246, 2021, pp 428-446.
Isabelle Thireau, “Contesting Illegitimate Situations, Reassessing Shared Norms in Contemporary China”, European Journal of Social Sciences, 2014, 52/2, pp. 133-160.
Isabelle Thireau, “One Law, Two Interpretations: Mobilizing the Labor Law in Arbitration Committees and in Letters and Visits Offices”, in Engaging the Law in China: State, Society and Possibilities for Justice, (edited by Neil J. Diamant, Stanley B. Lubman and Kevin J. O’Brien), Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2005, pp. 84-107.